Carliol Square




Locked out of common purpose

An all-seeing prison

Against un-common perpetrators’

Petty crimes


World Head Quarters rocks

Marcus Garvey House

Chains us to ghost



Old saints old sinners eager

For Your Eyes Only

They pay with a tenner

For your all-seeing gaze


Ancient twockers

Stoned in asphalt

Inheritors of the dole queue

Refaced at Swan House

By the spent bus-station skulking

Gammy pigeons shitting

On smart salarymen’s

Cars groaning and sweating


Cruel rocks

To a useless state

Slashed by motorway

Panopticon blind



Tracy is a poet, actor and writer currently studying and working at Newcastle University. She is co-curator of the The Cold Boat project and recently returned from a residence at the British School at Rome and the Keats-Shelley House, researching a creative response to the Shelley archive: